Wassup MOB! Here is what's happening this September for your sun signs. Two important dates to keep in mind are September 9th - new moon in Virgo! and September 24 - full moon in Aries!



Work is gonna be front and center this month. Do you stay? Do you look for a new job? Do you start your own thing? Time to tap into those folks that you trust to give you some guidance. And remember to be honest with your goals! PS- make that profile on that dating app & say yes to the dates! Your theme for September: Lean into those choices!




This is a making money and power moves month. Now that planets are stopping all the retrograde crazy, signing contracts (hello consultant gig!) is a go! That pitch you made a few months ago? Get ready to hit the ground running. And as a reminder, invest in your emotional wellness so that you have something to pour into others. Your theme for September: continue to seek balance, your progress is incremental.




This month is about turning a new leaf! Grabbing lunch with that annoying co-worker? Apologizing to your bestie? Re-working your bedroom for better energy? Get into it and end summer 2018 on a high note and enter a new season on high spirits. Your theme for September: new beginnings big or small will shift the tide.  




Baby gyal! The stars are shining upon your hustle! If you haven't started: start! and if you have been planting those seeds this month brings a big pay off! Either way, things are in your favor. Our only warning is to not overspend... Your theme for September: Be thrifty and put your energy to getting the word out there about your project.




Time to turn up the charm! Use it to mediate, because you might find yourself being led into arguments this month... which is not what you want to spend your time on. Also, money might be a little tight so perhaps this is a chance to sell some of those things taking up space in your closet... try apps like poshmark or letgo! Your theme for September: Ask yourself, what would JLo do?




Someone is popular this month! Bask in it, after all it is your birthday month. From your girlfriends to your family, all will want to shower you with love and affection... say yes to the attention! Don't forget to take some me time to reflect and look to whats ahead. Your theme for September: You're the Queen of ball, enjoy it!




Feel that extra boost of confidence? YES BOO! SWIM IN IT! Wear that lipstick, try that new class, ask that person out! You are here to get those yes' and they are well deserved. Also, make sure to do some inventory on how your doing mentally and emotionally, you'll want to kick off your birthday month on a zen note. Your theme for September: Don't be afraid to go for it!




Sooo if you live with people, this might be a 'working from a coffee shop' instead of home kind of month. Don't get petty. You shall survive. Anyway, that's all fine since you'll be hyper focused on some serious networking. Your theme for September: Watch that instagram following grow!




Big moves are upon you Sag! All that work you've been putting in is going to pay off, get that champagne ready and don't be scared of this new chapter in your career. Your theme for September: Do like Ciara said and LEVEL UP!




Life is what happens outside of routine... so get ready to try some new things this month Capricorn! You're in serious need of adventure and travel (even if only a few hours away by car) so pack that weekend bag and enjoy! Your theme for September: Google maps is your bff.




We're leaving the roller coaster behind and going for a walk through the park... what that means is that you're back to feeling like yourself and not feeling all of the feelings at the same time. Your theme for September: focus on your growth, you're going in the right direction!




This month is about making choices from a place of love and bravery, not about being afraid of what lays ahead. You'll be making tough choices around what you want in love will set you up for success, so ask yourself what brings you joy and who deserves your time. Your theme for September: fear has no place here!


