Q: Where is TGM based out of?

A: We're based out of NYC but have team members in Los Angeles.

Q: Who's on the TGM team? 

A: Some of the flyest women of all the land! From Black to Caribbean we have strong talented chicas on our team and look forward to growing (is it you? come thru...)

Q: Are you looking for contributors?

A: Always! You can send us a brief bio and a copy of your work a long with a pitch for a story/idea (if you have one) at





 Q: Cool, but is it paid tho?

 A: We'd love to! But the way our bank   account is set up right now... Stay tuned, the plan is to do this in the not  so distant future.

 Q: When are you coming to my city?

 A: Shoot us a note in the contact page! If we have enough women interested in your city we'll figure something out!

 Q: For #JobAlerts on Twitter, why don't you just send the link to the job post?

 A: That would be easy huh? Everything we post for #JobAlerts you can find on  LinkedIn, Jopwell or Google.