With a full moon in Libra and the Retrograde coming mid-month, March is one hell of a time to read our charts. While the universe is working extra hard to be positive for us, there is a strong growth moment for everyone this month. Which actually makes it feel better, right? To know you aren’t alone in not having all your shit together?
Yea, we like it too.
Below we hook you up with all you need to know this March.
You might find matters of the heart coming to the forefront this month. With mostly sensual, exciting and romantic little moments sprinkled throughout March— and just a handful of touch and go moments towards the end near the full moon — you’re going to find Venus taking a particularly proactive hand in making sure you master this magic word: VULNERABILITY. Stay open, follow your heart and allow for this transformation to happen this month.
This month is all about people management for you — finding the relationships you may have overestimated, and plugging back into the ones that need you most. Saturn squares away with Mercury, creating a bit of a tense moment in mid-March. Don’t be afraid to use boundaries around those who can’t authentically present themselves to you. You’re busy, and moving mountains — you don’t need to hand hold a liar, too.
The first couple weeks of the month should lead to an epic choice for you thanks to Saturn. Whether it’s a significant other or a career relationship, something has to give right now. While you may feel caught between two worlds, you might find it comforting to remember that the full moon at the end of the month is one that will work in your favor. If you can’t decide now — try to squeeze out a little more time.
Double down on your vision this month — especially if you believe your idea can really go the distance. This might mean you have to lean on Jupiter’s energy a bit mid way through the month, and pivot your plans a bit. But a little flexibility will help you get to the finish line even faster. Give yourself a real shot, and stay open to the possibilities to strengthen your plans.
This new moon in Pisces is going to be huge for your love life: if you’re in a relationship, prepare to move into a new phase where you connect on a deeper level than ever before. The light of the new moon is working especially hard to bring you out of old habits and into a better consciousness about love. If you’re single, this moon kicks off a warm period where love should find you much easier. Keep a positive mindset, and your mate will follow those vibes & find you.
You’ve got a lot to say this month, and for some reason, you’re not really getting much opposition. You might not, however, get the support you’re longing for either. Whether it’s a stale office audience that doesn’t seem to comprehend how you want to move the needle, or a partner that’s just not really providing you anything useful to work with — you’re going to feel a bit like a captain leading a crooked ship. When things get tough, try to take yourself out of these situations, and do something fun for a change. Protecting your relationships right now will be much more important than correcting the people in them.
The past has come and gone, and there’s no way you can change it this month — no matter how badly you may want to. If there’s old energies floating around your mind, you are better off telling a gentle, supportive friend your feelings instead. Especially as retrograde comes around towards the end of the month, you have to know that this nostalgic feeling could be more planetary than an actual good idea. But if it IS a good idea — Mercury will help you make it happen with great ease. Perhaps start there — if it’s easy, make it happen. If not… then leave the past alone.
Slow your roll this month. I know you’ve been flying high this year, with a plethora of opportunities and confidence raising moments. But March will be better suited for you to sit down and reflect on where you’ve been and where you’re going. It is not the time to push past boundaries that seem only slightly out of your reach. Warning: you will play yourself. A slow and steady approach is the way to win your next race.
Buckle up, girl. This month is pushing your wildest ideas into the fast lane. Where you may have had the time to plan things out and be methodical earlier in the year, March is more of a put up or shut up month. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! To make the most of it, try focusing on your diet a bit more this month: try eating the foods that will give you long lasting energy (instead of comfort.) This will not only help you get your work done right, but also keep your mindset in a more positive space which is so crucial at this moment.
Get ready for a huge lunar shift on the full moon at the end of the month. Whatever you do — DO NOT LOSE YOUR STEAM NOW. It’s the moment you’ve been training for, whether it’s a new job, side hustle, promotion or a new home. This is the start of when everything will begin to turn in your favor — be every Kanye hype song right now and make the most of it.
The new moon in Pisces wants to do something so special for you, that you’d be almost crazy to ignore it: IT'S TIME TO GET PAID! Money wants to make its way into your life, and you’d be a fool to say no to it’s conveniences. Whether it’s free dinners, a log in to Rosetta stone or just cold hard cash — the rest you’ve been looking for when it comes to your finances is finally on its way. Get ready to snatch it up!
Speak your truth this month, dear Pisces. This is the time where you can look back on the several weeks of chaos and put your foot down once and for all. March is the perfect month for reflection, and luckily you happen to be quite eloquent at explaining yourself. Especially to those who have wronged you. Don’t be afraid to give someone hell for acting unresponsibly with you — this is your Waiting to Exhale moment. Blow up the car if you got to honey (figuritively), and throw away the key. The release is long over due.
Is a Writer / Emmy Nominated Art Director / Speaker. Find her @zenfulie
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