So now that we are settling into 2020 and have foregone the initial wave of new year resolutions, we wanted to manifest a few things as a team that you could partake in. We truly believe in the power of manifesting and how when we set our mind to something, we call that energy into our lives. We want to know, what are you manifesting in 2020? Share with us under our comments and we’ll add to this post! Whatever your goal, we want to put the power of theGIRLMOB behind it. Lets get it MOB!



What I wish to manifest for myself in 2020 is to continue stepping out of my comfort zone, staying consistent with praying/meditating, taking care of my health and nourishing my creativity. I wish to follow through with executing my projects and not allowing fear to stop me from being the best version of myself. Leading more than often with love, kindness and with an open mind. Taking baby steps each day and knowing that everything I put my mind to will happen.

What I wish to be able to do for woc is to encourage them to live in their truth, to making health conscious decisions and to never stop challenging their capabilities. I wish to continue to share my story in order to show other woc that our stories are not that different. I want to add to the growing list of representation that we deserve in the beauty and fashion industry. Women who look and talk like me matter, we exist and we deserve to be seen. So I'm going to break down doors, for US.



2020 is a "big" year for me because it winds down with me turning 30. I'm feeling both excited and nervous about hitting the big 3-0, and wondering what this next decade of life will bring. So as I enjoy the last year of my 20s, I'm hoping to manifest clarity around what my purpose is on this earth. I want to manifest a year of experiences, happiness, and spiritual growth. My 20s have been a series of ups and downs but I'm excited to end it with a bang and leave some sort of positive stamp on this chapter, as I prepare for the next. I'm hoping to manifest more love: For myself, for my family, for my friends, and maybe someone new?

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When it comes to Women of Color, I'm manifesting EVERYTHING for y'all. All the good, the BIG, the risky, the powerful. EVERYTHING. Every year is our year, but this year I want to find myself cheering for the women around me more than I'm cheering for myself. I'm hoping for a year where we no longer have to work 10x as hard for a seat at a table that was never meant to hold us anyway. I'm wishing to manifest that every single door we step into is already open and waiting for us to enter and shake shit up! Happy 2020!



This year I’m manifesting consistency and stability with a dash of spontaneity (I’ll also take a nice little solid job on the side too, okáy?). Twenty nineteen was rough y'all, so one of my main goals is to finally make sure to put my mental, spiritual, and physical health first so that everything else can gracefully fall into place.

As for all my beautiful WOC, if at any point your light has been even slightly dimmed I pray this is the year you find THAT GLOW! That glow that only YOU can bless these streets with, however that may look like for you. This year we’re only talking health,  boundaries, bomb ass relationships, spiritual awakenings, liberating careers, sustainability, no animal cruelty, bigger checks and of course “Paz mucha paz pero sobretodo mucho mucho mucho AMOR!”. I love you! 



Hi Mob! My name is Britt Pham and I am the Events Lead for theGIRLMOB. I'm stoked to be entering my second year on the team, with so many dreams and goals for 2020.

I've never been a huge fan of resolutions, so this year I decided to pick a "word of the year." In 2020, my word is INWARD, inspired by the book of poetry, Inward by Yung Pueblo. All of 2019 was a huge lesson in the fact that everything -- peace, healing, love -- starts inward before one can share it with the world. So this year, I'm staying grounded from within. 

No matter what you're tackling this year -- whether it be creating space for more rest, or if you're like me, tackling all the biggest projects you can challenge yourself with -- I'm manifesting steadiness, confidence, and a serene sense of self for all of us.

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