Hola Mob!

How’s everyone doing? No, like really how is everyone? You’ve been sleeping? Eating healthy? Drinking water? Moisturizing??

I don’t know about you, but 2018 was HARD. I experienced a family death. I finally graduated college ending my four year long burn out period, which is now followed with the tricky waters of finding a job and trying to make these coins stretch. I moved back home. I reflected a lot on my relationships to decide who and what I needed in my life going forward.

2019 is my bounce back year. I am focused on loving and taking care of myself, whether that looks like therapy, a glass of wine, journaling, or a Netflix marathon. So let’s make a toast to 2019 being OUR year!


Guess it’s time to formally introduce myself. My name is Gabriela, Gabi for short, and I am the new Associate Editor of theGIRLMOB!! Thank you, thank you! Hold the applause.

I was born and raised in the Bronx, NYC to parents from Barbados and the Dominican Republic, making me a proud Afrocaribeña and basically Rihanna’s cousin (close enough). Besides my four years in Cambridge and four months in DR, NYC has been my home forever. At Harvard, I majored in African American Studies with a concentration in Latino Studies with a minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies because of my love for history and understanding how I was socialized as a Black Latina. So basically I’m a bit of history dweeb that loves talking about everything related to gender, race, sexuality, and Afrolatinidad!

Here are some other random little facts about me for your joy. This summer I started watching anime and have become addicted. (MHA, FMA Brotherhood, and HxH are my favs.) I’ve had five different hair colors in the last four years (purple, lavender, teal, blue, pink). For my zodiac fiends, I’m a Scorpio Sun, Cancer Rising, and Sagittarius Moon, aka a Bad Bitch.

(No Scorpio slander formed against me shall prosper!!! So don’t try it!!)

I love wearing bold lip colors and experimenting with different eye looks. Cooking and baking is a form of self care for me. If you asked my friends to describe me in three words, they would probably say loud, creative, and unapologetic.


I’m super excited to be the Associate Editor for theGIRLMOB because though I’ve written for and worked with different publications like The Nation and Blavity I’ve never written for a site like theGIRLMOB. It’s going to be amazing bringing you my semi-unfiltered thoughts. From discussing menstruation to exploring my spirituality to dealing with post grad depression, I want to show you just a bit of who I am and maybe that will help you with your path.

When I read each article on the site, I feel like I’m having a casual conversation with my friends about another aspect of our everyday lives. It’s that feeling that I want to make sure to continue creating for you. As Associate Editor, I’m excited to work with all the writers and look forward to creating memorable content for you with the rest of the team.

Get excited for everything, we have big plans this year!





got more to say, for now follow her here!


