
The first half of the month will have your inner social butterfly ready to flutter around every room and outing. The second half tells you to make time for some solitude. Something to look out for and do research on: On 2/18 Chiron will move into your sign, and it will stay there until 2027! Under this rule, we’ll be overcoming traumas and mending wounds together. Get ready for some serious self reflection.



The Aquarius new moon (which we will keep feeling the affects of for a few days) is going to help you write down those goals you have swirling in your head! The first half of the month has you in a bit of a daze, but it will pass. The second half has you ready to remove something that no longer serves you. A friendship, an addiction, a routine — be ready to turn a new leaf! Feb 5th welcomes the Lunar New Year, marking the start of the Earth Pig’s 12 month lead. What does this mean for you? Time to seek joy and make room for pleasure!



You’re looking to fall back in love with life, and this month is going to re-spark that engine. Whatever seeds you plant now, local or abroad, will come to fruition in August. So use the next six months to work on what brings passion into your day to day, but be sure to pace yourself, no need to burn out!



This month has you going into your shell and working through some feelings. Don’t be scared crab, even though this will force you to be vulnerable, your relationship(s) will be stronger in the end. Additionally, your focus on your finances is on high alert. Instead of driving yourself crazy, find a financial advisor or talk to someone who’s winning at their financial health. Help is out there, you’re not alone!



This month needs you to find the Gayle to your Oprah Leo! Your working bff, the person that has skillsets you haven’t yet conquered. Instagram is full of creatives, get your courage up and ask that person for coffee to see if you two can make some dope things happen!



While Feb has you making a plan and checking it twice, this really is about embarking in creating a wellness routine for you that makes you happy. Healthy meals can co-exist with cheat meals. Lastly, be mindful of your jealousy (in romance or at work), you’ll get what you want if you keep your green eyed monster in check.



What a lusty month for you Libra! If you’re coupled the heat is on a 100, get you that orgasm boo! If you’re single, pay attention to who you meet and watch it turn into something special come August. Also, with the turn of the Lunar New Year, 2019 has your growing your circle of friends and with that potential collaborations.



Time to take a social media detox, sleep it out, meditate, and relax Scorpio! Don’t worry, your social calendar is not going no where, it’s just that this month is about recharging your spirit. Also, be on the look out for a major moment with a woman in your life… new baby? Relationship change? A win is ahead!



We know it’s cold outside, but bundle up and go check out some of your local spots! You’re destined to meet a new crew that will not only push you creatively but also support the projects you’ll be pushing out this 2019.



Oh Capi! Always working on something, we ain’t mad at ya! This year brings two eclipses in your sign, and so the rebirth and reinvention of you are coming… stay flexible in all plans, because while having your ducks in a row is great, the probability of them staying in line is low. This is not about making you fear what lies ahead, as nothing is in our control anyway. Focus on making your home a sanctuary for when chaos ensues.



Happy Birthday! We’re so excited for the year ahead. Through the next few weeks (March), step out of your 5 mile radius and check out other neighborhoods. Don’t be surprised if you get caught up in intriguing convos with strangers. Also, say yes! People want to hear what you have to say, so sign up for that public speaking class or say yes to that panel spot being offered.



This month has you on self-reflection mode, which is great because you can kick off a new creative project or a new spiritual practice. This will set the tone for 2019, so while you spend more time at home this Feb make time to deep dive into rituals that will center you and bring you joy.


