How to Refresh your WFH Space
Studiotng Shares their five WFH Revamp Tips
1.Designated work space
One of the most effective ways to make your Work From Home Space more productive is to have a designated work space.
We know this is probably a little tricky since we never expected having to create space to work within our home. However, as much as you would like to “hide” your new office space from visitors, DO NOT-and we cannot accentuate this enough- work where you sleep. It is important for your well-being, to have a space where you can relax and disconnect, which is usually your bedroom. Always think of your bedroom as your sanctuary.
As much as you want to have that pinterest-looking WFH space, it is very important to consider ergonomics before aesthetics.
Before buying that fluffy chair with brass legs you saw on Instagram, remember, that chair was not meant for someone to sit there for long periods of time and almost every day. It will only end up compromising your comfort and reduce your productivity.
The same goes for the desk you end up picking. Make sure you pick the proper desk height since studies show that this will reduce injuries, stress, and increase engagement and productivity. There are even height adjustable standing desks that allow you to switch between sitting and standing positions, which are a great way to get movement and can help with circulation, ultimately benefiting your well-being.
3.Good lighting
There are three types of lighting you should consider when designating your WFH space.
The first one will be natural lighting. Biophilic design is the connection between the user and the natural environment. Studies have shown that this will reduce stress, improve your creativity and your well-being. Be careful with glare though!!
The second one will be ambient lighting. This one is more like the general light. In this case, we can say this is the light inside your house. Make sure the temperature of the light is more between the cool blues and white lights, since using yellow lighting will only relax you and, believe it or not, make you sleepy during work hours.
The third type of lighting will be task lighting. A simple lamp on top of your desk will increase job satisfaction and productivity, and will reduce injuries since you won’t be straining your eyes.
Plants are also part of biophilic design. Having a little planter next to your desk will bring this connection between you and nature and will have the same positive effects as having natural light. Also, having plants will increase air quality since they can remove harmful gases from the environment. You do not need to live in Chernobyl to have harmful gases in the environment. Gases like VOCs, formaldehyde, PVC, etc. are found in the fabrics from your chair, that cute rug in your living room or the drapery in your house.
5.Visual to-do list/Board
Having a visual to-do list or board in the area where you work will increase your productivity and help to keep you on track with all the tasks you have to do that day. We, for example, have one calendar when we write general ideas of things we have to do monthly, and a check-off list. Every single day, we write a check-off list with detailed things to complete. Trust us, a check-off list will become your best friend!
Mariapia Sierra Mendizabal or just “Pia” and Carolina a.k.a Caro Cardona.
Age you feel:
M: I am almost 29 y/o. My personality feels 18, but my lower back says 40.
C: I’m 23 and I feel that age. I enjoy each stage of my life
Cultural Background:
M: Peruvian
C: Colombian
Where you grew up:
M: Born and raised in Lima.
C: Born and raised in Miami until moving to Medellin at 8 y/o. Then moved back six years after that, back to South FL.
2021 Mantra:
M: “The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there”. I, of course, read it on instagram.
C: Focus on the good and be grateful.
Farthest back you can think of, what was the first object or space you felt attached to design wise?
M: I would say the living room from my childhood home. I lived in that house my whole life, and I definitely saw the design of that space changing thousands of times by my dad. I still remember going shopping with him to get new furniture and décor every Sunday. Even now when I look at old pictures, all the memories I have from my childhood and adolescence where there, in that space.
C: My grandma’s house a.k.a the playground with all my cousins. My grandparents have lived in that same house ever since I could remember and still do. That is the house my family would come together in, have lunches, holiday and birthday parties, and have reunions every Sunday. My cousins were around my same age so we would always play and run all over the house. I even saw it go through multiple design transformations while growing up. My favorite childhood memories are there.
Is there a design project you’re most proud of?
M: Caro and I are currently working on the design for a restaurant in South Miami. It is the first project we do alone, from concept all the way to project management. It’s not done yet, but the feeeeeling we get every time we go to supervise everything is out of this world! We cannot wait to see our design come to life.
C: While in school I had the opportunity to work on a project with a real client: Red Bull. Although the whole studio designed solutions, it was my team’s proposal that they selected for the outdoor bar build-out in American Social Bar & Kitchen - Brickell. Being able to experience working on something you love and having the privilege of seeing it come to life in the industry while being in school is a one time opportunity. The day they announced the winning team was actually on my birthday, so I was extra happy!
How does one balance functionality with aesthetic when designing a space?
M: I would NEVER -and you shouldn’t either- give up functionality for aesthetic. Nowadays, you don’t have to spend millions to make your space aesthetically pleasing. You can even find beautiful décor or furniture at thrift shops.
When you give up functionality, you’re also giving up on your well-being. Just imagine getting a beautiful couch, that one couch you have seen all over pinterest, but it is extremely uncomfortable. Right there, you’re compromising your comfort. Maybe after sitting there for too long, your back starts hurting, you can’t stand it anymore. You will end up getting another one soon and spending double the money.
C: Comfort is a very, if not, one of the most important factors when designing. Today, there is a lot of furniture that is comfortable yet aesthetically pleasing. Aesthetics should never overrule comfort, but should find a balance between each other as they are both are important in the design process. A way to balance aesthetic and functionality is to have very comfortable furniture with nice upholstery and balance it with aesthetically pleasing artwork/accessories.
If you loved their tips as much as we did, check more out on their site!