For the remainder of August, we picked up on the energy of the Knight of Voices which correlates so well with Leo season! It’s time for you to make a clear step by step plan if you’re thinking about finally accomplishing your dreams and goals.
There is no need to over think the outcome and have so much control throughout this journey. You may be feeling impatient and in a rush to get things done, this isn’t the time to overlook your small goals or the necessary steps in your master plan.
This is the time to create a good solid foundation so you are able to take off and fly like the beautiful magical unicorn you are!
This card can also indicate that life may be going fast for you right now, it’s time to fully take stock of what’s happening around you and tune into the present moment. You’ve been on a roll and I’m so proud of you! If you’ve been wanting to speak up and share your voice through any medium now is the time! Use the fire and spark Leo season has to offer by inviting in confidence into your life!
Speak up boldy, honor your voice because you have so much to offer. It’s time for you to embrace your magic and share your creative passions and ideas with the world.
Surrender yourself to joy. Give yourself permission to feel good in the spotlight! Don’t worry about what others have to say or what the outcome of your goals will turn out to be, remember the most important moment is always the NOW.
Embrace this journey, the good and the bad, the ying and the yang.
This reading was done by the gracious Destiny Corporan. For more peep her podcast here!