
THE GOOD: Your social calendar will be extra busy! But only if you let it. This month also has the potential for introducing you to a key collaborator. Need a COO? Or maybe a videographer for that short you want to shoot? Be on the look out and ready to seize the opportunity!

THE BAD: Watch out for the feelings after June 21st as the Sun will be going through Cancer... which rules home and family for you.



THE GOOD: Use this month to get your priorities straight and get organized. June will bring plenty of high energy to get you on the right practical path. The end of the month brings a different kind of energy, the kind that has you yearning for acquiring new ideas and skills. Grab a drink with that friend who's smart AF or say yes to taking a workshop on Gender Fluidity.

THE BAD: From June 21st through Nov 24th, Neptune goes retrograde on all things tech anddd you better safeguard your accounts and switch up the passwords. The last thing we need is a call from Chase saying someone tried to use your money in Kansas (while you're clearly in Miami).



THE GOOD: It's your birffday month and it's time for you to speak up! Because closed mouths don't get fed Gemini fam. Use the month to recalibrate and really think about what you want, no need to feel pressured to say yes to anything that doesn't feel right!

THE BAD: You might be burning the mid-night oil to a crisp. Time to tap into others who are ready and willing to help. But be mindful of boundaries, everyone has things on their plates and the last thing you want is to push your support system away!



THE GOOD: Time to clean house! We mean that figuratively and literally. As we approach a new year for you, take this month to close old chapters and make peace with any salty situations. The universe will be sending you all the signs you've been praying on, so pay attention and don't hesitate when your gut goes off! 

THE BAD: Watch out for your energy levels, you'll be more susceptible to absorbing others energy, so watch out for peoples vibes... no need to take on bad juju!



THE GOOD: As you work the rooms this June, be mindful to not lead with "so what do you do for work?" — no one likes to be wanted purely for what they can offer. Instead, be your vibrant self and let the interactions unfold on their own. A winning connection is at the end of them! The end of the month will force you to slow down, maybe plan a weekend getaway or have a staycation and bond with those plants you purchased a few months ago.

THE BAD: All relationships (business or romantic) are up for negotiation, pay attention.



THE GOOD: No time to be petty this month, you've got bigger fish to grill hunni. And if you do it right, expect some much deserved recognition. June 13th kicks off 6 months of career development, stay ready so you wont have to get ready! Polish up that resume and make sure your cover letter reads like Shonda Rhimes wrote it. POWERFUL. 

THE BAD: Watch out from an ex lover... no fucboi or fucgyals or fuchumans allowed Virgo!



THE GOOD: Time to cut lose, hit up that old college roomie, and visit new lands! Who says Portland can't be fun? Make time for new projects, even if just for recreational purposes. Your spirit will thank you, and it could potentially turn into something bigger!

THE BAD: The end of the month pushes you to face something you've been running away from. Time to walk towards the light Libra, it's not gonna go away on it's own!



THE GOOD: You're powers of obsession and research can be used for good this month, as you can put that focus towards fixing some financial woes or helping friends in need... just remember you're neither a CPA or a Therapist (unless you are, and then go forth!). Also, get ready to meet your better half — either as a lover, or the missing piece to making your biz a reality.

THE BAD: Avoid messy people, they will be coming for you this month. Don't be messy and step into the drama. WE REPEAT, do not be messy and step into the drama. This is a moment of growth Scorpio. You can do it!



THE GOOD: Looks like June kicks off a romantic encounter that can flourish through the Fall (hello cuddle buddy). Also, you're not an island. What we mean is, allow those around you to give you the support you need. But no one will know until you speak up. So, SPEAK UP!

THE BAD: Watch out for stress levels rising at the end of the month, this can lead to arguments with family and co-workers. We know you're feeling overwhelmed, but remember to every problem there's a solution— otherwise it wouldn't be called a problem.



THE GOOD: Okay now! Capi (can we call you that?) is out here checking that list from January. The goals must be met! We know how you do Capi. So while we're behind on hitting your goals, we also need you to handle your health and fitness. This month delegate (yes we said it) and use the extra free time to take a dance fitness class or eat two veggie dinners a week (we're just giving you ideas here). Take care of you!

THE BAD: Watch out for your sentiments towards a relationship at the end of the month, while you might be inclined to shut the door on someone/something — pause and think it through.



THE GOOD: Who's that?? IT'S YOU! You're out here breaking necks and cashing checks, sort of speak. It is a sexy month for you Aquarius... lean into your flyness! Your DMs are about to be blowing up, from ex lovers to new potentials, get ready to flirt it up!

THE BAD: You know where you like your money, in the bank. Be mindful of lending folks your hard earned cash, and make sure if you do that there's a scheduled method of paying back.



THE GOOD: Time to do like a slug and slow it down (yea we're a little corny, stay with us). You're going to feel all the feels this month, so give yourself some TLC. Push deadlines and make room for yourself, or deal with the consequences of neglect. Invite your homies over for a night of Netflix (we recommend Coco) and some food– if everyone gives $5 no one has to cook and you can order from that bomb ass Mexican spot up the block. GET IT!

THE BAD: Watch out for low energy at the end of the month, grab your vitamins and eat right. Your body will be grateful you did... also, grab some zzz's! Trust us mami!

Post Photo Credit: Urban Bush Babes 



