Every time I see someone post something about #TeamNoSleep I want to report their post. Hear me out. In a world driven by social media where we are constantly in a state of FOMO or feeling like we're not doing enough (because comparison is part of the social cycle) seeing someone say they don't sleep because they're constantly grinding is insulting to the rest of us who are also constantly grinding but know that sleep is IMPORTANT. I'm here to tell you not to fall for that trap of thinking that sleeping is a luxury, it's not - it's a sacred part of your daily routine.
me to people who claim they don't sleep as a victory...
If you can function at 100% and prosper with 0-3 hours of sleep, then you're a robot. Or you're on some good drugs, or you drink way too much coffee. I need us to stop normalizing and idolizing the idea that we shouldn't get sleep. Just like drinking water and brushing your teeth are important, so are the zzzz's you catch on a daily basis. This is not to say that there aren't periods of time when burning the midnight oil is necessary - but again, those should be exceptions not the rule.
Why am I such an advocate for sleep you may be asking yourself, well, because I know how that plays into your well being and your mental health. To get personal, when I go too many nights with poor sleep or no sleep I can hallucinate, which is trippy and fucking horrible. I don't wish that on no one. It also feeds into my anxiety (see the many layers of me?) and that then spills into my work, my love life, my social life and most importantly my me life. In short: I'm a hot fucking mess and feel miserable. And even if you wont admit it out loud, I know a lot of you that feel the same.
ya'll looking at me like...
Okay so if my sleeping troubles don't make you ask yourself, 'shit have I scheduled enough sleep time lately?' then also know that getting a good nights rest gets you: better memory retention, longer life span, can help with that diet/fitness plan you're on... in fact "when you sleep, your brain catalogues the previous day’s experiences, primes your memory, and triggers the release of hormones regulating energy, mood, and mental acuity. To complete its work, the brain needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep. When it gets less, your concentration, creativity, mood regulation, and productivity all take a hit (Harvard Biz Review)". Are we going to listen to Harvard or what? We're just saying, is all we're saying MOB.
Let's pretend my plea to get you to take your sleep seriously is working, some of you might be rowing the 'can't seem to fall asleep' boat like me at times. Fret not MOB, I'm going to tell you how I get off that imaginary boat and onto a fluffy cloud full of REM sleep, because I'm here to share and give and set you up for success.
all of us after getting sleep & killing the day after
PUT AWAY THE PHONE- I am soooo guilty of staying on my phone for hours after I've hit the sack. Example: last night I was so exhausted after 15 hours of lots of things and instead of going to sleep I spent another precious HOUR on social media. WHYYYYYY. Bad Yari. Please join me in the campaign of putting your phone away (not under your pillow) at least 30 mins before going to bed. The longer you stay on instagram looking through endless photos of that persons shoe collection, the longer it takes for your brain to shut down. Need more reasons? Here
MEDITATE - I've only done this a few times by using headspace and the guy who does the voice on this app is so soothing I doze right off into the 5th element. My mind and I are thankful for his British accent. Another thing that works is playing rain sounds... don't knock it till you try it!
LAVENDER- I have this lavender bottle that I spray over my bed sheets before getting into them (it cost me $5 dollars at marshalls)... lavender is known to help sooth stress, anxiety and ultimately sleep. In the near future I'd like to invest in an essential oil diffuser ! That and more 500+ thread count sheets ya'll, you deserve it!
MELATONIN- This is over the counter and you can easily buy it at any local pharmacy (Duane Reade, Rite Aide, CVS etc). It's a natural supplement that helps induce sleep and it's the best thing that I've learned about since figuring out photoshop. Read the bottle to make sure you're buying a lighter dose (ask the pharmacist there).
INVEST IN A GOOD MATTRESS - I've said this so many times to my younger girlfriends and they just giggle at me. This is not a joke ladies - investing in a good mattress is so important. You spend the most time at work (or working) and in your bed sleeping (or you should be obvi) so why would you skimp on that? Your body is out here grinding for you, make sure it can rest on something worthy of all it's hard work.
Alright now, those are my go-to solutions to knock out so that I can function and continue to build this beautiful community with you in mind. If you have other methods, send our way via twitter @thegirlmob and put us on! Or at least put ME on! I'm so serious about caring about your well being and taking care of you, getting good sleep should be on your priority list, don't put it on the back burner because someone else is claiming TNS(teamnosleep) on their time line.
and deserve my 8 hours.