As you (should already) know - this month we are celebrating our Latina/Hispanic roots on TGM! But that doesn't mean that the non-Latina/Hispanic women that are part of this digital sisterhood have to take a back seat for the rest of the month! We recognize the beauty and love between black and brown — otherwise theGIRLMOB would literally have no purpose. And in that same vein TGM's team decided to sit down and chop it up about our favorite Latina/Hispanic women in film and television! Let us know which one is yours (even if she's not on the list). Here we go!

Jennifer Lopez

Film/TV show:  Selena

I love her bc: she really made me feel like she was Selena in the movie

If it was remade I'd cast: i wouldn't change the casting just because it was spot on!



Gina Torres 

Film/TV show: Suits 

I lover her bc: I love shows that portray hyper stylized versions of a city. The Suits version of NYC is so sleek and expensive and this is reflected in how they talk, live and dress. I love that in the beginning of the series we meet this Afro Latina woman as the partner of a law firm. Throughout the series we watch her be a badass as she climbs her way up the corporate ladder to be the head of the law firm! She also has THE BEST professional wardrobe. I want EVERY. SINGLE. THING.

If it was remade I'd cast: The show is still on and she has since left the series with talks of getting her own spin-off, but if the show was remade down the road, I would cast Lauren Velez (from New York Undercover!!).



Dascha Polanco

Film/TV Show: Orange is The New Black

I love her bc: I have a huge love for actresses that I can relate to! In the sense that they grew up in the same neighborhood as I did, they followed their dream, stayed focused, and REALLY made it. Overall, Orange is the New Black was awesome to me because it was a first hand look inside the minds of colored women. Yes, they were in jail, BUT each and every one of us can relate to certain insecurities or up-bringings. Dascha has represented the (thick) Latinas, and with her style and class, was an inspiration for me to feel proud to be myself, proud to represent my heritage, and never second guess or feel ashamed of the way my body is shaped. I love me some Dascha!



Sofia Vergara

Film/TV Show: Modern Family

I love her bc: This is a fun twist on the portrayal of a Latina. Her character Gloria is an over the top, dramatic and charming Colombiana. I appreciate how Sofía is able to poke fun at a Latina stereotype while doing it in a way that pays homage to women like her. 

If it was remade I'd cast: Dascha Polanco or Diane Guerrero



Eva Mendes

Film/TV Show: Hitch

I love her bc: First off, her and Will Smith had awesome chemistry! But I loved her in this movie because she was career driven, had THE BOMB ASS APARTMENT, was super cute AND despite being absolutely jaded bc NYC can do that to a gal — she still gave Will's character a small window of opportunity to wow her and he did not disappoint... I guess I'm just a helpless romantic and believe we as women can get it all.

If it was remade I'd cast: Stephanie Beatriz from Brooklyn99, she'd give it a nice twist with her sense of humor + no bs vibes. 

Bonus shout out: I LIVED for Devious Maids- Ana Ortiz, Joselyn Sanchez & Judy Reyes >>>

-Yari B.


I couldn't just pick one person so here are my three favs...

  1. Michelle Rodriguez: she always plays some bad ass role, whether she's kicking ass, driving, or a combination of both...I love it. 
  2. Rosario Dawson: umm....girl crush! She's a great actress! I love seeing her in all the new Marvel shows on Netflix. #BringHerToTheBigScreenMarvel! 
  3. Rosie Perez: honestly how can you not love her? Lets discuss the iconic dance sequence at the beginning of Do The Right Thing. 



