Alright! So we've entered a new year! Happy 2017 to you and yours. We are very excited to try new things, fail a few times (being realistic), grow from the failures and triumphs, keep it honest with you, show you love, fun days (we've got awesome events underway for you) and most importantly: Keep you in the loop about shit that seriously matters like politics (i.e. health insurance, education, equal pay, reproductive rights, environmental issues etc).
We're fully aware that keeping up with politics can be confusing/angering/exhausting... ESPECIALLY when the media isn't fact checking or worse is using language to cast a spell over us by making us view evil people as regular folk (alt right = white supremacists). I hate to break it to you, but on top of being the ultimate hustler and becoming the best version of you- you ALSO need to participate in humanity because all the shit going down right now will (emphasis on will) have serious effects in the present and future of our communities.
So, we're going to make it easier for you to stay in the loop of what's happening by giving you the names & accounts of women (of color) who live and breath fighting for the people. Read below, look them up (if you don't trust our judgement) and click their image to follow.
If you have any women who are leading the way put us on! We want to spread the word that they exist and that they can help us in the fight for human rights. In the meantime, keep it sassy in these streets and make sure you drink lots of water.
peace & light
Yari B.