As a licensed esthetician I am often asked how can one achieve glowing, blemish free, smooth skin--especially during the winter months. My answer to this is one word: exfoliation. But, before you run out and buy that basic ass apricot scrub that everyone swears by, let me enlighten you on how to level up your exfoliation game. I'm going to help you master step one in the ultimate glow up guide.

Before I begin, I'm going to address a huge pet peeve of mine when it comes to this "apricot scrub" and other products like it. If you own it, get rid of it! You’re better off using a Brillo pad. Here's why, these so called "scrubs" contain walnut shells, which create microscopic tears in the top layer of the skin allowing surface bacteria to enter into deeper layers of the skin which cause inflammation, sensitivity, irritation, dryness, and possible breakouts. So while you think you're doing due diligence to your skin, you're actually doing more harm than good. Now that I've gotten that off my chest, let's move on to the good stuff.


Exfoliation is the removal of the old dead skin cells on the skin's outermost surface. It can be achieved through two methods: the manual (physical) or chemical.

Manual (Physical) ExfoliationThese are usually face scrubs that contain grains, granules, crystals, microbeads, etc. which scrub solely the surface of your skin. This can also involve tools like facial brushes or sponges. This type of exfoliation leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth.

Note: For anyone with acne/breakout prone skin types, manual exfoliation is an absolute NO! First and foremost you CANNOT scrub away acne. Scrubbing spreads bacteria, resulting in more breakouts. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Below are my Manual Exfoliation Recommendations

Chemical Exfoliation - The word ‘chemical’ should not be confused for something harmful to the skin, unless improperly used, like with anything else. Chemical exfoliation works by dissolving or loosening the bonds that hold dead skin cells on the skin’s surface. Using chemicals such as lactic, salicylic, glycolic (found in acne and anti aging products) and natural enzymes can be very beneficial as it promotes healthy cell regeneration. They can usually be found in the forms of masks, gels, and toners. Chemical exfoliation is best suited for sensitive/sensitized and acne skin types.

Below are my Chemical Exfoliation reccomendations

Exfoliation Benefits:

•Detoxification of the skin

•Brightens the complexion

•Gets rid of dead, dull skin cells

•Reveals healthy, younger skin

•Reduces fine lines and sun damage

•Evens out skin tone (blemishes/hyperpigmentation)

•Kills bacteria and prevents breakouts

•Improves product penetration

Exfoliation can be tricky and finding the right process for your skin type is crucial in achieving your skincare goals as well as preventing you from fucking your shit up. Also, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS wear SPF when exfoliating as a part of your regimen. I’d tell you why but I’ll save that for the next article ;)

Lastly, great skin, good skin, or better skin doesn't happen overnight. As with anything in life it takes patience and consistency. Rushing the process will only disrupt your progress. Give your products and skin treatments time to work. Seek a professional in the skin industry to find out if the products you're using are appropriate for your skin type and skincare goals. I'll share my professional opinion here but if you want more and or have questions you can hit me at misch@thegirlmob.com or find me on instagram on @aboutfac3.

Until next time,

-the glow whisperer


