If you’re like me (an emotional person by nature and in the privacy of her home), the cosmos doing the most does not help your situation. I try to not read much into regular horoscopes but I am indeed more inclined to lean into what astrologist say about the planets in motion. Specifically when they call out the cluster fuck that can be happening at any given time. Learning what’s happening with the planets helps me understand the things that are going right or wrong in my day to day and can alleviate some of my emotional distress (aka I have something to point to if I can’t find the answer within myself).

And so, I wanted to share some of the things happening this September that might mess with your days, especially all the retrogrades we are in this September. I don’t share this to bring the gloom and doom, but hopefully to help you better prep for what’s to come. And if you’re like what is a retrograde? Then here’s a simple explanation from Elite Daily: Whenever a planet retrogrades, it simply slows down, which causes the planet to reverse over the degrees it recently transited over. (It's similar to making a U-turn back home whenever you've forgotten something.) Retrograde planets turn the celestial energy inward, which is one of the reasons why these cycles are ideal for reviewing, reflecting, and re-evaluating things.

Alright MOB! I’m not an astrologist, so I gathered the best information from across the interwebs.

  • Saturn went retrograde in Capricorn on May 11th. It will finally go direct on September 29! What does this mean? According to Elite Daily, Saturn governs the area of your life where you're most likely to experience obstacles and hardships. With this retrograde journey coming to an end, ask yourself: How have I persevered in my professional life? Where should I continue getting boundaries and creating structure? Themes revolving around your career, foundation, and sense of authority will pick up right where they left off this past May.

  • Mars is retrograde from September 9th through November 13th. What does this mean? When Mars goes retrograde, we can feel blocked, or we can feel over-stimulated. You could feel annoyed or easily irritated, or find that others around you are living with a shorter fuse. Mars also governs the concept of agency and of being an agent of change within yourself. You are your own captain, and this is a great time to reassess which direction you are steering your ship. If you want something badly, do not quit when it gets hard! A big way this test is showing up is feelings of burnout, and it is up to each of us to ask ourselves where we are pushing ourselves too much, possibly in the wrong direction (in which case, certainly turn around), and that is what is causing our depletion (source:

  • New moon in Virgo on September 16.  It's time to sort, file, organize, systematize—and energize. Decluttering your physical spaces (and your virtual ones) can be a stress reducer. Those distracting piles and unchecked messages take up a lot of psychic energy, even when you're worrying about when to get them done. Wellness is Virgo's domain so use this lunar launch to get your fall fitness routine in motion (source: the astrotwins).


Off we go into the rest of this month. A reminder that even when it doesn’t seem like it, things are always working in your favor! Go forth and prosper.


Wellness Gifts that Feel Good to Give


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